Thursday 4 September 2014

Taking A Stand

I live in Cornwall - home of pasties and ice cream, so you could say I’m a victim to a lot of temptation here at the seaside. But the same goes for everyone. Really, no matter where you are, it’s easy to just give in to the many unhealthy choices that surround us. But they are just that - choices.

I understand how it may be more difficult to adjust to a healthier lifestyle - there’s a reason why snack shops are called convenience stores - they’re convenient - but you will thank yourself later when you walk straight past your local bakers or ice cream parlour and into a health food shop instead, especially if you live in a seaside town like me and want to walk along the beach unashamed of your body.

I believe nutrition is the most important factor in leading a healthy lifestyle, even more so than working out. Each and every one of us lives inside a complex, intricate body, where all our cells work together like clockwork - and you wouldn’t mistreat your £10,000 Rolex so why do harm to your priceless body? You can easily buy a new wristwatch but you’re stuck with the body you live in forever.

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